Saturday, November 14, 2009


do it hurt. im really scared i dont like pain. if it dont hurt durin do it hurt after. i really cant eat 4 2 days.? is there nothing to be scared about? what r they gonna do to me? HELP PLEASE


Root canal of one of your front teeth is a breeze. You just get nummed up as always, and usually there's no pain during the procedure, or afterwards. Once in a while there will be a little bit of pain afterwards. Ibuprofen 800 mg will do the job.

Back teeth are harder. Lots of times they'll give you nitrous oxide so you're not too nervous, numb you up and do the same procedure as for the other teeth. Sometimes it takes longer, though, because back teeth may have two or three roots, and you have to get them all. There may be mild pain afterward, but again, Ibuprofen will handle it.

I've had myriads of work done on my teeth, and root canals--I can't count how many I've had, are not the worst. Braces are worse, I think, pain wise, cutting up your mouth wise.

You can eat whatever you want, just don't bite down on that particular tooth until the dentist tells you it's okay.

Sweetie, the best thing you can do is be calm and non-stressed. Bring your mp3 player with you, and just relax.

TX Mom

Lots of experience
Reply:As long as the dentist knows what he's doing you have nothing to worry about. I have had five of them. And your mouth should not be sore at all the next day. There is nothing to be scared about.
Reply:PUH-LEEZE work on your grammar and spelling!

As for your questions, the root canal process...if the dentist anesthetizes you properly...shouldn't be any more uncomfortable than a filling. It just takes WAY longer.

Once the anesthetic wears off, the tooth WILL be painful, especially if you chew on that side of your mouth. Ask for some pain killers such as codeine or (my personal fave) vicodin. It shouldn't bug you too much after a couple of days, especially if you eat soft foods and - like I said - avoid chewing on that side.
Reply:I've had a couple. People will tell you lots of horror stories, but they're mostly just "bragging."

If you've had a big filling, it's just about the same thing.

If you can take pills OK, the pills will take care of the discomfort, just fine.

Don't worry about it. The doctors %26amp; nurses are nice, and it's pretty much the same as the regular dentist. Just ask your folks to get you some nice ice cream %26amp; milk for milk shakes, later, plus some fruit juices you like (not citrus), and other soft foods!
Reply:I finally had one and was scared too and put it off for years. but ya know it really isn't so bad I mean I had kids ya know? everything is relative. The fear with it is worse then the actual procedure. it is annoying more then anything. get it done because tooth pulling is far more painful. the root canal is the lesser of the two evils.

good luck.
Reply:Don't worry! You'll be just fine. It's kinda painful for a couple of days, but the dentist will give you medication to relieve whatever small amount of pain you may have. It's not as bad as you fear, I promise! :)
Reply:Well not if they num it I had one done and they couldnt get it nummed all the way but mine was really really bad and went half an hour to 2 hours long and i barely felt a thing and they said I could eat right away just to be careful on the side you just got it on cus itll be a bit brittle until you get the crown... I had a lil pain after but as mine was really bad I had gum they snipped off that grew between my teeth and they even prescribed me penicillin so it wouldnt get infected... But as my grandpa had a normal one and said he didnt feel a thing after or during it and someone else says they dont even.... it after so you should be completely fine unless its gotten really really bad and if it waits out you can even die cus some of the nerves in back lead up to the brain just what i was told though....But if you do get pain after take some tylenol or a pain killer....
Reply:The pain of a root canal is no worse than the slight discomfort you feel when getting a cavity filled. You'll feel a slight prick at the beginning of the procedure when the dentist injects you with a numbing agent. Once numb you'll hardly feel a thing aside from the slight pressure of the dentist cleaning out the infection deep under the root of your tooth. Unlike a regular filling which stops in the tooth, a root canal requires the dentist to go all the way into the root. It takes a little longer but isn't more painful.

The reputation root canals have of being a highly painful procedure is undeserved. It isn’t comfortable sitting in a chair with your mouth open for up to two hours but you won’t be in agony.

When the surgery is over you’ll be prescribed pain medication should you feel discomfort when the anesthetic wears off. But that's nothing to worry about either.

Root canals are necessary because infections in your mouth can spread and must be taken care of as soon as possible.

It's natural to be a little anxious but it won't be that bad.
Reply:the root canal will hurt alot less then the tooth ache itself. you will be numbed and you can ask your dentist to give you additional shots of Novocaine sometimes they will give them to you through out the procedure.

depending on what tooth it is... the tooth is hollowed out and opened to the pulp which contains the nerve the dentist will then use small rods with a bit of cotton of the tip to pull out the root which you will not feel. he will place a rob in there and take a xray to make sure he is all the way down to the apex of the tooth, next he will dry the area and apply a chemical which will help avoid infection. next he will begin to place plastic cone shaped rods one after the other until the cavity of the roots if filled and he will burn the plastic to seal off your roots and a temporary filling will be done. its not that bad i have had a few.
Reply:I just had a root canal because I chipped my tooth on chewing ice. They will numb you. It dosent hurt . I felt nothing. I was numb for a good hour when I got home. I was also able to eat what ever I wanted. Just chew on the other side of you mouth. Take some tylenol and you should be fine.

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