Saturday, November 14, 2009

Root canal still bleeds 5 months later...?!?

Had root canal 5 months ago and it is still seeping blood. Gross. I taste blood randomly from time to time and don't understand why. I waited because dentist said it would subside when porcelain crown was placed. So now I wait...but for what? It is still bleeding?

Dentist suggested tooth next to it may need root canal too. Is that possible? I think dentist gave wrong tooth root canal and the infected tooth now needs to be done. What to do??

Root canal still bleeds 5 months later...?!?
I would ask your dentist for a referral to an Endodontist. These are root canal specialists. It sounds to me like the dentist could have either: A.) Perforated the root while he/she was doing the root canal and then infection never went away, B.) Not gotten the entire nerve removed and the filling material (cavit) filled entirely in the chamber leaving the infection still able to thrive.

There are other possibilities as well. If you request to see an Endodontist, he/she will be able to tell you what the situation is. Don't let your dentist push you into getting several root canals without seeing a specialist.

If one of our patients has a problem like this, (pain/bleeding/swelling after root canal completed,) we refer them out. Our goal is to save the patient's tooth and for them to remain as comfortable as possible. It sounds like your dentist may have seated your crown too soon and your root canal didn't take. You may need a round of antibiotics to attack the remnants of your infection.

Long answer short: ask for a referral to a specialist. At least then you know the Endodontist is not just guessing at what treatment you need.

Good luck!
Reply:Different dentist for starters. I feel for you. Fortunately I fell into the care of an excellent dentist who has done two for me. He's expensive as most are but he doesn't ever hurt me and he's very good.
Reply:Try placing a folded guaze on the bleeding tooth. Be particilar about your diet such as carbonated drinks they will disolve the bllod clot. Keep the guaze until the bleeding stops. The dentist should have informed you of the aftercare. If thinks continue, talk with your dentist, If he is not helpful seek another dentis.
Reply:All teeth attract plaque at the gumline, especially those with crowns, due to the texture. Bleeding gums are a sign of gingivitis, or perhaps even more serious long standing periodontal disease.

You must use a soft toothbrush half on the tooth and half on the gum, in a circular massaging action. Brush for two minutes twice a day, and floss too. An electric toothbrush like a Sonic-Care is excellent.

If after two weeks of this your gums are still bleeding then you need an evaluation by a periodontist, in order to have your gum disease treated, before you spend any more money on your teeth.

You can't just treat one tooth at a time.

If you have a complete evaluation by the combination of your dentist and a periodontist, then you will know the entire status of your mouth and the money you need to put into it, in order to be healthy.

People that get a lot of root canals are often people that drink soda daily, causing deep decay. Or they may be people that see their dentist, but the dentist is too conservative or just inept at treating decay.

If money is no object, then many professionals feel it is better to take the infected tooth out, and replace it with an implant, instead of doing root canal therapy. Since implants are more of a sure thing. It's what I would do.

On the other hand, my parents made sure I didn't have sweets and soda, and I've contined that way, so I have only sealants and 4 very shallow fillings, and I'm 48 yrs old.

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