Monday, November 16, 2009

Root canal treatment was this normal???

ok so my general dentist reffered me to a specialist for my root canal the theeth that i has it for was for a front thooth not a molar.. ok so i have had a root canal in the same theeth and the first time was horrible as well. i have a small infection that developed so my genenal dentist reffered me to a specialist to see if they wanted to treat the infection before doing my root canal but they did the root canal n e ways this was on a sat but on sat night the pain was so intense that i couldent sleep and for the next two days sunday thought monday the pain was so bad that not even vicodin worked.. i had to go back until monday to get that prescribed but the specialist is only there on sat and as a result all of my left side of the face got so swollen and i developed and absess inside my front gum... which was so big it hurted a lot. so finnally i when with my general dentist on wend and he had to cut that absess to drain it and it hurted like hell.. i had to take a whole week off work

Root canal treatment was this normal???
This appears to be a case where he was negligent and reckless in the way he made the canal.It either was because his instruments were not sterile and he delivered bacteria to the area where he did it, leaving you with the seeds of pain waiting to hatch and drive you made; OR he cracked the tooth by using too large a drill or not making the canal in the right place, so that the heat of the drill or getting too close to the tooth wall led to the tooth cracking. If that happened , and he didnt tell you of the crack, it is FRAUDULENT CONCEALMENT for which you can sue for plenty and not get just the damages of losing your tooth (thats whats got to happen if the tooth cracked) but you can also get punitive damages over and above what you get for your injuries and suffering. This dentist was no fool. He steered you to his cohors who will back him up to cover up the fraud if you sue. So, get not just your own choice of dentist to fix the problem if it can be fixed, or to extract the tooth if that is the end of it all, but also get a malpractice lawyer to take this cheater to the cleaners. His malpractice insurance company will have to pick up the tab for the $$$ you have coming. Just watch out for the dentist who stops before he completes the root canal and tells you to come back in a week or two or even longer or refers you to another dentist when your problems surface. That's a sign he ruined the tooth; the tooth cracked and he wants to conceal it from you, so when you come back you will be told he found it cracked and accuses you of eating something real hard that caused the crack, not his negligence and malpractice. If that happens to you (and it happens all the time), go immediately to another dentist and ask him to tell you what's wrong with the truth. If the second dentist is truthful, he will disclose to you that the tooth is cracked. Dont tell him the name of the dentist who damaged the tooth; he may call that dentist u p and the two will conspire to mislead you into thinking it didnt happen when the first dentist did it. The first dentist probably drilled off the required path of drilling or used too large a drill that heated up the tooth, weakened it and it cracked.

Good luck. You are dealing with treacherous people
Reply:that does not sound normal
Reply:That is not normal.... no dentist worth a dang would give you a root canal with an infection. They are suspose to give you antibiotics and let the swelling go down and then later maybe 2 days do the root canal.

You found an idiot dentist. Sorry to hear that... Hopefully what ever they did can be repaired.

Reply:This is uncommon but not unusual. Sometimes, even after root canal treatment, there can be bacteria left in the bone that grows and forms an abscess. You should have been placed on Penicillin or similar meds after treatment, not just pain meds if there was a clear infection prior to starting the procedure. Doing a Root Canal with an infection is absolutely normal and nothing to be concerned with. It is more uncommon because this was a front tooth and they are usually very easy to treat and clean.
Reply:I had a post-root canal infection on a molar once and the side of my face also swelled up. But I think my abscess must have drained because at one point I remember feeling something warm on my mouth accompanied by a HORRIBLE taste and then a draining feeling.

After that the swelling went down and the pain subsided. I find that Ibuprofin (Advil) works best on toothache pain because it will reduce swelling - as opposed to Vicadin or Codiene which only treat the pain.

You can take up to 800 (4 x 200mg pills) at a time as long as you don't exceed 24 pills a day and still be within a safe dosage (I AM NOT A DOCTOR!)

Antibiotics have been prescribed for me after every root canal I've ever had...did they prescribe them for you? You might ask them why not?

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