Thursday, November 12, 2009

Root Canal?

I went to the dentist today (after not having gone to one in like 2 years). The reason for this is because I am petrified of the dentist. I am sure some other people are as well. I found out that I need a root canal done. I am having it done next week. How badly does it hurt? Does it hurt during the procedure and/or after? I was also advised that I need my wisdom tooth pulled. So how badly does that hurt? Will they numb you for the wisdom tooth pulling? Please let me know! I am very nervous - thanks!

Root Canal?
They will give you lots of Novocaine during your root canal so you shouldn't feel too much of the scrapping in your tooth. They will probably give you pain medication afterward and some penicillin to make sure that the canal doesn't get infected.

I recommend that you get put to sleep during your wisdom teeth operation. Especially if you are scared of the dentist. I had two of my wisdom teeth take out recently. I did not feel a thing during the operation, but afterward was painful. My cheeks were swollen for a few days and it was hard to eat.

Good luck!
Reply:The only thing that really hurt was them numbing my mouth.....after that, you pretty much feel nothing. Might hurt a little after the numbing stuff wears off.....but it wasnt as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Reply:I wouldn't know cuz i never had it done but sorry to tell u but its supposed to hurt cuz someone told me. and lots of bleeding.
Reply:It depends on the dentist. For Wisdom teeth dentists usually provide laughing gas, you can also ask your parent to ask the dentist for a Valium to calm your nerves (trust me I know how you feel). As for the root canal, it's a little uncomfortable, but each person experiences something different. Just try and relax and best of luck to you.
Reply:I had the same situation a year ago..I am horrified of the dentist. My dentist made me very comfortable through out the whole procedure because I was begging them to put me to sleep. On my 1st day of the procedure they numbed me up pretty good so I didn't feel a thing at all, the only thing that bothered me was when they drilled away your tooth so its chips flying..all you will feel is pressure that's all.. I received a temp tooth cap so on your 2nd visit you should receive your final tooth cap.. Your gums may be alittle tender since they have to get a nice fit for your final cap..
Reply:I've had both done to me. a root canal they numb your cheek and gums,so you don't feel much pain and laughing gas. first. theres a couple of steps to it. first they go in and drill parts of your tooth out and they stick a needle in the vein of the tooth that will sting a little but not for long then they put on a fake cap that you have to have on until your next appointment. the last part isnt hard at all they just go in and take out the fake cap and put on the sliver cap.

Now the wisdom teeth they give you laughing gas and stick you with a needle in your arm like they do in the hospital to make you go to sleep. its a fast process. but when you wake up you'll be in pain and bleed for the first day or two. but they give you medicine for the pain. The worst part it the swallon cheeks and not being able to eat solid or hot foods, or drinking out of a straw for awhile.
Reply:Root canals should not hurt at all, only the pinch of the needle when injecting the novacaine. When the root canal is over, you will have no nerve endings in the tooth, therefore no pain. If you feel pain, something is wrong. As far as the wisdom teeth go, find a oral surgeon that will put you to sleep when he does the work. Just relax about the root canal its really no big deal. People hear rootcanal and think major pain. The major pain is the reason people have root canals. Good luck and go brush your teeth.
Reply:I had my first in November of 2006...after an old patched up (during a filling) minor fracture worsened, probably got an abscess, and was killing me with pain. As much as I was afraid of the idea of a root canal, getting rid of the pain was worth it!

The root canal isn't as bad as I feared it would be. It takes longer than getting a filling, but it's not really any worse. If you aren't getting a crown like I did then it shouldn't even be as bad as mine. They can stay lightly sore for a while though, mine didn't feel totally better until the following February.

The wisdom teeth... I was terrified, because I'm like you in regard to the dentist. But I will tell you though that it's also not as bad as it sounds. The worse part is actually later when you are home and feel like you've been beaten up! Do get that done early in the day, that way you can just go home and crash the rest of the afternoon and watch tv. You're gonna be pretty sore for some days, and that first day can take it a while to stop bleeding and you can't even spit..just gently rinse out.
Reply:Yes, they do numb you for everything. Sometimes they even knock you out so your not consious throughout it. It does hurt after for a day or two, but you'll be fine as long as they give you pain medication afterwards.

Good Luck!
Reply:I had 4 root canals done yesterday, and I am a BIG BABY!!! Keep yourself calm, and keep your eyes closed. The first shot of novocaine does hurt a little, but just remember after you have it done, you wont be in pain anymore. I felt no pain during the procedure. I was achey hours later, and today, but nowhere near the pain I was in. You will be fine, just remember you wont be in pain anymore. Good luck.

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