Monday, November 16, 2009

Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?

I am 15 and I chipped my very back tooth on the left side of my month nearly 5 months ago. Since then It has become so bad I need a Root Canal done. The problems is I had 5 additional cavities, and to get them all fixed it would cost my parents roughly $3000. If I where to get the bad tooth extracted instead of the Root Canal procedure, it would only cost $280. I know for a fact that the Root Canal is the best way to go, and I get to keep my tooth. I have heard a lot about tooth extractions usually turning out to be no good and painful. BUT, if I where to choose the Extraction I would e able to get all my other cavities filled immediately rather than waiting. I This is a very hard decision for me, and obviously my parents are pressuring me into choosing the Extraction due to money. Can anyone who has had either a Root Canal or extraction help me out here? What is the right thing to do?

Root Canal or Tooth Extraction?
While it would be the cheaper alternative right now to have the tooth extracted,nothing is better then your natural tooth.If you have the tooth extracted,to restore chewing function and to prevent adjacent teeth from shifting,the extracted tooth must be replaced with an implant or bridge.This would require surgery or dental procedures on adjacent healthy teeth and can be far more costly and time consuming than a root canal and restoration of the natural tooth.

No matter how effective modern tooth replacements are,and they can be very effective,nothing is as good as a natural tooth.
Reply:I have had two root canals and the only hard part was keeping my mouth open for a while but other than that the pain killers worked fine. My root canals were for the most part coverd by insurance but other than that I would go with root canals as it is important for me to keep the tooth in some way but. The only thing is if the tooth is extracted will their be a replacment as a with root canals you will need to get a crown after it is done.
Reply:root canal saves the tooth fro proper spacing of teeth for proper eating alighment with jaw. if u pull it out then ur jaws shifts u can get tmj later and puts pressure on other teeth which in turn those other teeth with pressure from improper biting will break crack decay.. root canals tho u need a post.. to hold it up as it will be dead.. a dead shell .. then eventually you will need a crown over that if it breaks.. which it will in time
Reply:Since its one of your back tooth that needs it I would have it taken out. and worry about the other ones getting fixed. I had root canals done before, and had to go back and get it fixed over and over again. good luck.
Reply:As bad as a root canal can be, it is SO much better than an extraction. Once you start pulling teeth, it's hard to stop the next time something goes bad. This is from someone who has NO working molars anymore. To get them replaced, I'm looking at 5k each for implants. Also, you don't realize how much you use those molars to eat properly until they are gone. Most dentists have or know of finance companies that can finance your dental work. Have your parents check that out before you do anything permanent. And from this moment on, remember to floss and brush and go for checkups and cleanings! I cringe to think of the money I've spent on repairing my teeth versus how little it would have cost me to get regular check ups and cleanings. GOOD LUCK!!
Reply:You are 15 and your parents want you to get it extracted for the price? Are you kidding? Get the root canal and a payment plan. Then get a part time job after school and pay for it yourself. I wouldn't doubt the DDS would even let your parents make the decision to extract.
Reply:I've had a root canal before, and I'm 14. I had it last summer, and it sounds worse than it was. My doctor doesn't allow me to use the "happy gas" because I pass out really easily, but anyway, I had a bunch of numbing shots, and if you've had a filling before, it isn't that different. It's very sore afterwards, but it's just a dull pain, like a throbbing headache.. but in your mouth. I'm not sure what you mean by extraction- but I've had about 4 teeth pulled, but they were baby teeth. I hope this helps, I'm terrified of the dentist and it was really scary for me to get a root canal. Good luck with whatever you choose!

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Reply:I would probably save the tooth. Do keep in mind that when you get a root canal, crowning the tooth is a good idea. A back tooth where I live for a RCT is $975, and a full procera crown is $800, or so. I would defiantly have a consultation with your dentist to find out what he believes should be your next plan of action.

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