Monday, April 27, 2009

Root canal?

I have to have a root canal done because of a absess tooth. I have never had one done before and I am kind of scared, what should a be prepared for? please don't scare me or give me ignorant comments, I am really needing a friend right now to help me through this and prepare me ok.

Root canal?
You will be given some injections to numb your mouth. It will take awhile for it to take effect enough for the procedure. The procedure is to remove the roots from your tooth. You may or may not have a plastic dam put in your mouth so that only the tooth being worked on is exposed. (for me this dam is the worse part of the procedure because it makes it hard for me to breath). Then the dentist will drill out the tooth and remove all of the nerves. Then you will be fitted for a cap and have a temporary cap put on. When you go back, the temp will be removed and the permanent fitted. It usually takes some adjusting so it can take awhile. Be sure to ask the dentist for something to manage the pain when you leave from the initial root canal. It is a little uncomfortable,but not really painful. The novacaine shots can hurt the most.
Reply:I agree with the poster above. I had a root canal done last year on my molar, and actually need one done on my other molar. The two things that would annoy you the most are getting the shot and the time that it takes to get done. I'm impatient, so I wanted that mess done as quick as possible! LOL! Mine took a total time of 1 hour and 10 minutes; Yours may take more or less, depending on your situation. you may get yours done in 1 visit, or you may need 2 visits, again depending on your case.

Overall, the whole procedure is annoying more than anything, becuase you will want it to hurry up and be over with. even after mine was done and the numbness wore off, I basically had no pain, although I took an Advil just in case. But I kind of have a high tolerance for pain. That may or may not be true for you.

Just read all the info you can on the procedure; you'll be alright.
Reply:those do really feel uncomfortable, and after the dentist takes out the biggest tooth, he'll give you some pain meds, they will relieve the pain, but don't eat anything sweet

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