Monday, April 27, 2009

Root Canal?

I've had a temperature after root canal for four days now. Yet no pain. I suspect ill feeling is from root canal, as I had temperature from previous root canal treatment. Question, do I need antibiotics?

Root Canal?
antibiotics are given as a standard after every root canal by an experienced dentist. Ask for it, he should have given it to you.

the only situation that a dentist would prescribe antibiotics BEFORE a root canal is if you have a particularly nasty infection. They would then need to treat the infection before doing the root canal.

As for the fever, how high is it? If it's between 99-100 your body is reacting to the stress of having had root therapy. Seeing as how there is no pain, an infection (if present at all) would be very small.

I've had a nasty infection post-root canal and trust me, there was pain.

Take Tylenol for the fever and request antibiotics.
Reply:sorry but were not the people you should be asking.
Reply:You need to call you dentist and ask him for antibiotics.
Reply:I'm not a doctor (or a dentist for that matter); still you should call your dentist and ask. A root canal is an invasive surgery. I don't think an antibiotic would be unwarranted.
Reply:I think b4 root canal we r supposed to take antibiotics.......coz i had root canal n i had to take antibiotics b4 it.........

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