Monday, April 27, 2009

Root canal?

I have a tooth that has been filled since i was about 9.

Lately it has been giving me some problems and today i went to the dentist and i was told because of the roots he could not Pull it and that my options are either get a root canal or get it cut out.

I have heard so many bad stories about root canals and I'm a little worried about getting one, Would it be best to get a root canal or get the tooth cut out?


Root canal?
I vote root canal treatment..

Tooth #30, which is your lower right first molar, is essential for chewing. An endodontist is a specialist who treats diseases of the pulp and specializes in root canal treatments.

Hopefully your general dentist prescribed an antibiotic for you to calm the tooth down. During a root canal procedure, you'll be numb, so there won't be any pain. Afterwards you may feel a little discomfort, but not as bad as I'm sure some people have told you.

If it's removed, you will need a 3-unit bridge or an implant (if you're a candidate) to make up for the space left from the missing tooth.

Best of luck!

Reply:Root canal unless it's way in back, like a wisdom tooth. You really don't need those for chewing and they can give you problems later. Root canals aren't a picnic, but you should save a tooth if at all possible. Good luck.♥
Reply:I had a root canal quite a few years ago, and it was NOT the horror that I had heard from so many sources. The important thing is make sure you let the oral surgeon when you have pain, he/she should stop, and give you more novacaine.

That's how it worked for me, and it was a memorable and completely safe, pain-free proceedure.

Reply:I'd go for just getting it taken out.. Root Canals are only temperary soulitions and are so painful.
Reply:I think that you'd rather have the tooth with no root than no tooth at all. At least, I certainly would. I've had a root canal. It wasn't the most fun experience but it didn't kill me. My endodontist was also a bit strange but, it may have been the Novocain.
Reply:I suffered permanent lingual nerve damage from a root canal in 2004. I have been in constant pain since then. I am told the pain may never go away. Get it pulled.
Reply:I vote root canal. Try to save your teeth as long as you can.

I have had several - they are not bad. When you take a tooth out, the others have a tendency to rearrange - making more crooked teeth.
Reply:It totally depends on your age. Most dentists will tell you that if you start pulling teeth when you're still below 50 or so - that your bite will start making weird adjustments and then your mouth will become semi-deformed -- and you may develop jaw and chewing problems.

Root canals are expensive and take about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours but are not painful and can really help. After the root canal though, you generally need a crown to help protect the tooth. Therefore, you have to get fitted for the crown and then go back when the crown has been made.

If you still have doubts, ask another dentist for a 2nd opinion.
Reply:I have already have that - root canal. We really cant say if it is painful or not, cause there are factors to be considered and one of it is your dentist. There are those others think which when he pulls a teeth is not painful compared with other dentist. But the fact is it is your decision, having a root canal is painful compared to just cutting it out. It is because of the process where the dentist cleans thoroughly the root part of your teet in order to take away the thing that causes it to be painful. But what you should think of that if you cut your tooth out then you will have to replace it with an artificial one, which is of course Not better than your original tooth. This would be your options - to bear the pain but keep your Tooth or have it cut-out which is less painful but will be replace by an artificial one.
Reply:If its one of the last teeth in back, its a wisdom tooth... and most people do have them removed.
Reply:dont be scared i had a root hurt i bleed alot oralie...but i survived.
Reply:Root canals for the most part are uncomfortable, can be painful and most of the time, only buys you a few years with that tooth. They do numb you up, but then they drill down to the pulp of the tooth, kill out the nerve, remove it, then fill it. Again, later on you may have to have it pulled out anyway.

If I were you, I would consider getting it taken out.
Reply:unless it is a far back tooth get the root canel.

I had one when I was 11 and I am 25 now and it is still good.

Just take care of it and go for the the best you can buy!

Save any tooth if you can.
Reply:Unless it is a wisdom tooth, then you should have a root canal. It's always best to save a tooth if possible. The reason you need a root canal is because the nerves are infected and the tooth is dying. You have the root canal and then sooner or later you will have a crown put on the tooth.

If you have a tooth taken out, then your teeth slowly start to move. It's like an arch where a brick is removed. It doesn't instantly collapse, but slowly over a period of time. You will then need to have a bridge (which involves 3 teeth)put in to prevent it, which is more costly the a root canal.

I've had one years ago and it's just fine!
Reply:You'll be amazed how easy a root canal is these days. Give it no thought. You'd much rather keep the tooth; they should only be removed if absolutely necessary. It doesn't take as long as it used to and there is no pain. Forget the stories and get yourself taken care of. Stay in the habit of taking care of your teeth, then one day you'll be giving the same advice. ;)
Reply:I have been a dental assistant for 20 year's .A root canal is not that bad ,it just take's longer to do than a filling .If you have the tooth pulled ,it will never grow back it's gone for good . If the tooth is on the bottom that you have pulled ,then the tooth above that tooth will come down until it has something to touch .So it's not only one tooth you lose it could be the one above and the one;'s on either side will move also .You will be numb and can also have gas .You also pay alot of money to replace it ,with a bridge or implant .GOOD LOOK From Arkanas
Reply:As you mentioned, the tooth is "in the back" I would presume a "wisdom tooth" which is a useless tooth (teeth). My daughter at age 19 had her 2 wisdom teeth pulled out. Now she doesn't have head-aches, no grouchy attitude, has had very good grades in college. Consult your dentist more.
Reply:I've done both. For the sake of your bite and future dental issues trying to save a tooth is better than pulling it up front. A root canal is really fairly painless. Most times in the past what actually hurt was my jaw from having to keep it open so long. Pain after wards was usually fine with Tylenol or Motrin, unless you are going into it with pain or infection already severe, which I believe is why a root canal seems so miserable for most people, it's the proverbial hair that broke the camel's back. As with any procedure, including pierced ears, there's always the risk, so just make sure you go to a reputable endodontist.
Reply:Root canals are not the pains of the past, I've had two (by two different doctors), in the far back of my mouth. Both teeth had very large silver fillings and the tooth in the very back actually cracked and broke. Only then did I get it fixed. The pain is really just the soreness once the numbness wears off. Technology has really come a long way and they do them much faster and painless then years ago. Getting the tooth pulled is the cheap way out, root canals are expensive AND you have to get a crown which is also expensive. Although, if I had it my way I would suck up the cost and get a root canal cause then I still have my tooth... which I enjoy having and keeping for chewing. ;)
Reply:I have had 4 root canals And never had a problem. 2 I had done in 1 visit and the other 2 it took 2 visits. I think saving the tooth is best.... unless you have insurance to help cover the procedure can be pricey 1,300 each...... and you should ask if you are going to need a crown after the root canal. If so your looking at another 1,000. this in the NY area..... Best of luck to you......
Reply:I vote for the root canal. I had one done and honestly, it's not NEARLY as bad as you hear. If you get it pulled, then you have the open gums which can get infected if you're not careful, plus without that tooth, your other teeth can shift and become crooked. Trust me, it's worth it.
Reply:Root canals are not a painful procedure if you are numbed enough. In a root canal, they remove the nerve, thus making it so that you can no longer feel pain in the tooth. Of course, you can't feel pleasure in it either. ANyway, if you get a root canal, you will eventually have to have the tooth crowned to give it strength because root canals can make your tooth weak. It's the money you pay to save the tooth. Especially when there's a slim chance you'll end up having to get teh tooth pulled in the long run anyway.

On the other hand, Having the tooth taken out would save you money. BUT...having a tooth missing there with other teeth above and next to it, can give the other teeth an opportunity to move. Which could ultimately cause you to have to get a crown anyway, or a partial, to replace the tooth that was there before.

Both options have pros and cons. And the dentist you went to probably didhn' WANT to pull your tooth. SOme extractions are more difficult then others, and some dentists won't extract difficult teeth.

You can get very useful info related your query from . The website has highly useful resources on detal care. Check it out! Happy Smiling!!
Reply:Don't pull that tooth if you can save it . It will cause you more problems and money to try to restore the space. If you extract the tooth and not restore the space, it can cause drifting of #31 which is the tooth behind #30 and the tooth on top may start to come down.

A root canal procedure is usually not painful. You are anesthetize during the procedure. However it is time consuming because the dentist or specialist need to remove the root from the tooth and may leave you with a sore jaw from having your mouth open for a long time.
Reply:Root canals are NOTHING like people say they are. I have had 3 (curse my non-brushing attitude) and I have to say, though they cost a ton, I actually would rather have a root canal then a large filling being done to me because they only have to drill for a little bit, if theres any pain just tell them, they'll juice you up and you should feel nothing the whole time, and most of the time their just fiddling with the tooth, not harsh drilling or grinding. I find it more pleasant than cavity fillings, but thats just me.
Reply:rootcanals are a waste of money and eventually you will have to have it removed so why wait just get it out...

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