Monday, April 27, 2009

Root Canal?

Im Having Root Canal Done Next Week, What I'd Like to know...

Is It painful?

Are You awake When It's Done?

How Long Does It take To Recover?

Any Help From Professionals Would be Appreciated...

Root Canal?
I'm not a dentist, but I've had three root canals. Dental problems run in my family. Generally, getting a filling is more painful than a root canal. You are awake while it's being done, and it's kind of an odd experience. I would bring my ipod and just zone out. I was able to drive myself home after, and I am usually a little sore for a week or two. After that it should be fine!
Reply:Getting a root canal can be different for each individual. Is it painful? Sometimes the dentist may not get the tooth and periphery completely numb - which is normal. He or she will give you another injection and when everything is numb, he or she will continue. Most likely you'll be awake during the procedure. Recovery time differs with the tooth and the patient. Some patients report no problems after the lidocaine wears off. Some patients have said that it's a little bit sensitive around the tooth. Both scenarios can happen. Your dentist would most likely give you a script for some Motrin to help you with any sensitivity
Reply:Normally almost no pain. But not always a sucess. Is done with local injection. Most of the time you can not tell you had it done . Doc W
Reply:ive had this a few times. you wont feel anything cos the dentist will give you a local. it is a bit invasive though, especially if the tooth is not at the front and theres a lot of poking and pulling. you will need to keep your mouth open wide for an uncomfortable length of time and there will be a lot of equipment going in and out of your mouth. after the local wears off you might have a little or a lot of pain, so make sure to have some strong painkillers in stock. also, it may take a few sessions to complete all the roots in the tooth, so you might go through this procedure a few times. good luck.

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