Friday, May 21, 2010

Is this normal after root canal....?

i just got a root canal for the second time in the same thooth its the front left thooth and before my gum looked ok but my general dentist did warn me that i had developed a smallinfection n i would have to get my root canal done again so he put me on penissillin for a week n i when to a specialist to have my root canal done and after that i got a major infection n half of my left face got swollen b now the swolleness has gone down n i have noticed that my gum around where my root canal was perfomed is dark all the way to the top is that normal because before i didint used to have my gum like that and now it is...

Is this normal after root canal....?
Call your dental office and have that checked. It's not right. I had the same last year on my front tooth and in the end it was pulled because of an abcess. Now I'm in the middle of implants.

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