I have a question regarding an issue I am experiencing and I want to gather more information about it. I will try to be detailed in this question. Last year I had root canal therapy and a crown on a decayed tooth (second molar on up left). The tooth has been hurting intermittently since then. A bump appeared above it last November, but the dentist said not to worry. I wasn't much bothered by the pain, but during my recent cleaning I was told it was not normal to have this pain. So I asked for a re-examination. After all the x-ray and all, the dentist showed me the x-ray and explained that he did the root canal on only one of the canals/roots and it seems that the other canal/root, which he did not do root canal on has become infected, created an abcess during the past year and now I need surgery. He said I shouldn't worry and it was standard. My question is if it is standard for dentists to perform incomplete root canal therapy and whether I have other options besides surgery.
Is it standard procedure to perform incomplete root canal?
I don't know whether it's standard or not but sounds to me like you may need a lawyer for this one. You need to get a second opinion from a different dental professional about whether surgery is your only option. Don't let on how much you know at this point if you seek another opinion regarding surgery. Just see what the next dentist says. If it's different than what you just heard, get proper medical treatment, keep copies of everything (get copies of you old stuff too) and find a lawyer. Good luck. Hope it works out for you.
Reply:no ,the dentist should have done a complete root canal work job as once a tooth is disturbed ,anyone knows there can be trouble if not all done=speak with a dental school dentist and ask for information =it will not cost much ,if not nothing =good luck in this case
Reply:No, it is not standard to do incomplete endodontic therapy. A 2nd molar usually has three roots and sometimes more than 3 canals for the nerves and blood vessels. Unless all of the root canals are sealed there is a good chance of continued infection [which is what you are experiencing]. Your doctor should have informed you of the fact that he didn't seal all of the canals when the treatment was finished. I would recommend that you see a specialist [endodnontist] for further treatment and, if were me, I would be reimbursing you for the endodnontic treatment that was performed.
Reply:Hi! I've been in dentistry for over 25 years and this is a clear case of a dentist that should NOT be doing any endodontic work on a patient. The fistula that appeared on your gum LAST NOV. was a clear indicator of a infection. The fact he let it go untreated for 10 months is a case of malpractice. If I knew him I would insist he send you to an endodonist to get this done right, pay for it and then make a new crown. Cleaning out only one rooth on a three rooted tooth(and could have auxillary as well) is just BAD dentistry and he should make this up to you or I would report him to the Peer review.
An Apico is NOT standard and this is pure drible that he is trying to brainwash you wish. Tell him that this is unacceptable and that you spoke to another dentist and they say what he did was wrong from the start. He was wrong to ignore the fistual and not have you get immediate care and now you could lose the tooth. Teeth that have an apico tend to last only about 5 years. So now you would need an implant.
FOR the amount of monies you will spend for a completed root canal and an apico you could have a REAL dentist treat you with an implant. I would clearly tell your "dentist" that you want him to compensate you for any and all treatment and that you will see an Oral Surgeon to discuss if an implant is the best way to go at this point. This is about 2500-3000. US for the entire process. Also tell him that you plan to contact the Peer Review of your state(or licensing Board) and file a complaint of malpractice. THAT will get a fire under his butt to do the right thing.
THERE is no question in my mind that you have been treated badly and this guy slept through endodontic classes or he needs to go back to school or STOP doing RCT at once. The Peer Review will get on top of this and make sure he is investigated if you contact them. Use this as your leverage to get your tooth treated properly and MAKE sure you see an Oral Surgeon and give him the exact time line of treatment and when the fistual appeared and what this guy said. Personally deserves a swift kick in the butt because he makes those of use that work out butts off to give great care and put out patients first look back. This makes me so angry. He obviously doesn't care and needs a real dentist to supervise him for 6 months to a year and takes classes on how to do a root canal properly. Please get on this and stay with it. You deserve great care and compensation for you time, monies and suffering. My bet is you lose the tooth in a few years because of the existing infection has been present for so long. Get a top Oral Surgeon to evaluate it this and have a serious heart to heart with h/her. I think they will repeat everything I just said if you push the issue. Most doctors will not rat out another for fear of not getting a referral. I'm not like that, a bad dentist makes us all look bad and need to get the right training or get out of the profession. He has told you many untruths to cover his own a** and not give you good treatment. This burns me like you have no idea. If you have any other questions, please ask. M
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